A Changing Landscape
In the United States today, long-term care costs are much more than the average family income, and regardless of your income, the prospect of the nursing home can be extremely frightening. Shockingly, the national average for the cost of a semi-private skilled nursing room is over $80,000 a year and seems to be on the rise! Sometimes, long-term care insurance is an option, but many times the prices are simply not affordable or the company altogether refuses to insure an individual. Davidson Law Group elder law planning does not discriminate based on health condition, previous treatment, or age, and in most situations, we are able to help families protect their legacy through our unique approach. Healthcare is highly debated in politics and culture today, and the future seems very uncertain. Finding a law firm with deep knowledge and vast experience in elder law enables you to rest easy even in an erratic and uncertain environment.
Timing Is Everything
These are not decisions that should be put off, because the most effective tools we have developed need to be implemented at least five years prior to the need for long-term or nursing home care, and this approach can be summed up in what we call Proactive Planning. However, if you or a loved are immediately facing the prospect of going into a nursing home and the need for long-term care is imminent, we have formed a process to help you protect as many of your assets as possible through a strategy we call Crisis Planning.